As the essential service that undergirds essential workers in Arizona; T.L.C. Child Enrichment LLC (TLC) has serve effectively and efficiently throughout COVID-19 pandemic.

T.L.C. Child Enrichment LLC (TLC) has been able to provide childcare, education and continued support to the children and families we serve effectively and efficiently throughout the 2020/21 COVID-19 pandemic. Communication, persistence, and teamwork were the pillars of strength we depended on to not only survive but to thrive as individuals, a company, and a community.
TLC believes the safety of our students and staff is our number one priority. When we learned how easily this virus transmitted and the dire consequences possible if contracted; like the rest of the world, we stunned but not for long. Our leaders were sure to plug in to the Maricopa County Department of Public Health (MCDPH) and the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) to ensure we had the most accurate and current information. We strengthened and leaned on our various networks and partners to locate and obtain best practices and the necessary resources to sustain a safe environment. Most importantly, we made sure to effectively communicate where we stand in relation to our ability to continue to serve as well as information about COVID-19 and our actions to prevent the spread of this virus.
To continue to serve the community safely; TLC’s sick child policy was updated and strictly enforced. Measures included frequent handwashing and coughing/sneezing etiquette for children and staff alike, wellness and temperature checks upon arrival and throughout the day as well as monitoring children and staff closely for symptoms of COVID-19. Heightened cleaning and sanitation procedures throughout the facility was a major focus for mitigating the effects of the pandemic at TLC. Classrooms, office areas, kitchens, bathrooms, hallways. Doorknobs, light switches, copiers, and pens. Every high touch and a couple of never touched areas were and continue to be vigorously cleaned multiple times each day.
In the case of our ability to not only survive but to thrive throughout this pandemic, the old saying is true…There is no I in team. TLC is proud to boast a strong team of leaders who remained dedicated to the children we serve in a time when most of the world was in a panic. They increased their knowledge and offered relevant ideas for strengthening our defenses. Like true soldiers on the frontlines, they committed their time, talents, and great energy to ensure a safe, creative, and loving environment for the children of essential workers and families in Arizona.
One year later, TLC remains the provider of choice for childcare and early education for many Arizona families. Through Communication, persistence, and teamwork we were able to not only survive but to thrive as individuals, a company, and a community throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Shaquana Fernandez
Founder/Executive Director