Looking for the right fit child care to nurture, develop and educate your children is not easy decision. This post provides assistance in your decision-making.

Whether you're returning to the office or looking for an extra pair of hands to help around the house, child care can help give you a break. But you may be overwhelmed by the variety of choices, from nannies, certified at home daycares or educational care centers. Here are 5 tips to help in your decision-making.
Tour the environment - When you're visiting a potential center or at home daycare, observe staff interactions with the children. Ideally, a the care giver or educator should be positively interacting with the children.
Know your staffing ratios - Each age groups has a caregiver or educator to child ratio. Not only ask the Director, but the staff too. A staff member not knowing the ration for the age group they are caring for, is not a good sign.
Experience Matters - The child care profession tends to have a high turnover, especially in centers or locations that are poorly managed. If you're looking at an in-home caregiver, ask make a one-year commitment to the job. If you're considering a child care center, find out the tenure and experience caregivers have.
Philosophies, policies and procedures - Ask about philosophies, policies and procedures. The more questions you ask early on, the less likely you become unpleasantly dissatisfied later. Here are a few sample questions to consider.
Do the caregivers use time-outs, scolding's?
Is the TV on all day or used sparingly, if at all?
What snacks or drinks are provided?
When are naps offered?
How are fussy babies put to sleep?
What is your sick-child policy?
